A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have... <3

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Friends are what I live for..

I came across this quote the other day and it got me thinking..

This last week i've really been thinking about who I have met in my life and the reasons why I am where I am today. The first thing that comes to my mind are my best friends. Some i've known longer than others, some i've been closer to than others, but I love them all none the less.

Me & Jared at Senior Cotillion
First of all, there is Jared. Jared isn't just a best friend, he's an awesome cousin! Me and Jared have always gotten along, but he lived in Vegas for most of his life, so I only got to see him a couple times a year. But everything changed when he moved up here just before we started high school. There's so many great memories with Jared. Going to his wrestling matches and baseball games, going to homecoming in the same group for my first dance, hanging out every weekend, and tons of other stuff. We've been through a lot together. His best friend broke my heart our junior year. Jared was there for me to help make me feel better and help me put myself back together. When things didn't work out with him and my best friend, it was hard because I couldn't hang out with them both at the same time. Me and Jared kind of grew apart  little bit which I wish wouldn't have happened. But things are going great for both of us now and we're both happy. We don't hang out as much as we used to, but I still consider him to be one of my best friends. We've been through a lot together and I can honestly say I don't know what I would have done if he wouldn't have moved up here for high school. Having him around and having him as a best friends has literally changed my life. I love having that closeness with my cousin and I love that I can talk to him about anything. He will be leaving on a mission soon, which i'm so excited for him to go out and preach the gospel to the people to where he is called, but it will be so hard to send my cousin off for two years. I will always remember what Jared said to me a couple months ago.
                 "You can't get married until I get home from my mission."
                         "Why's that?"
                 "Cause I have to beat up whoever your fiancee is first."

Thanks for everything Jared. You truly are an inspiration to me. As Grandpa Taylor would say, "You're Superman." He knew what he was talking about. 

Me & Ilish at the Christmas Dance.
Next, there's Ilish. Ousmane, Bill, Jill, I, Lish, whatever else I call her. Words can't even describe how much I love this girl. We have had SO many crazy adventures. We met in 4th grade and were best friends all through high school. Almost 10 years of friendship. Sophmore year, everything I knew was falling apart. Things were not going my way. And the one person that was there for me, was Ilish. She is the greatest friend you could ever have! We had so many ridiculously crazy adventures, and I loved every second of it. Whether it was going down to St. George for baseball tournaments or to go to Zions, or going up to the Tetons in Wyoming to go snowboarding, we always had a blast! No one could ever know me on the level that Ilish did. It really was like I had another sister. She was there through my first heartbreak my junior year, and she was the one that helped me get through it, along with Jared. When boys were being dumb, we'd have log burning parties. We'd go to the mall and randomly put on dresses and just be weird. We'd have dance parties in parking lots, party in her Rover, go to the dollar store for our drinks, and countless other random things that I can't even list. I will just say this. The day she got married was the hardest day of my life. I miss Ilish more than anything.

Ilish's Wedding Day..
Ousmane. You are absolutely amazing. You got me through so much. Thank you so much for helping me get through high school. I mean it when I say I really wouldn't be where I am today without you. I am so lucky to have had you as my best friend. I love you. 
"You killed Ted you medieval dickweed!!" -Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Me & Jenny in Vegas!
Now to Jenny. THE Ginger. Jennay. Wardies for life. I have known Jenny the longest out of all of my friends. We'd always sit by each other in church until she moved just before high school. All through high school we never really hung out, which is really sad, until the end of our senior year. I can honestly say I am so glad we started hanging out again. I went to senior cotillion with Jenny and some other friends and then I went with Jenny, Olivia, and Hailli down to Vegas for our senior trip. It was so stinkin fun! Me and Jenny slept in the same bed (not awkward, it was a really big bed). We hung out this whole last summer and did lots of fun stuff. We went to the parade and fireworks together on the Fourth of July, she hung out with me on my birthday (going to dinner at Olive Garden and getting in trouble with the cops at Angel Park, woops!!) She has been there all through college and it has been so great! We've got lots of little inside jokes and we can get in these moods where we just laugh over the stupidest things. We've been to tons of concerts together and we always have so much fun. Jenny's moving up to Utah State this fall and i'm super sad, so i'll pretty much be living up there every weekend once fall semester starts.

Brad Paisley Concert!
Ginger. Thanks so much for being my best friend! I love hanging out with you and all the fun we have. All the fashion advice you give me, all the little crushes we have (ehhemm.. Scotty...), our obsession Sweet Home, and all the laughs. I'm so excited for all the adventures we have coming our way. I'm glad that no matter what, we always make a perfect tricycle. I love you Jennay! Flame on Ginger!

Lastly, Mr. Tyler Smith. Tyler has been my best guy friend since I met him a year and a half ago. I remember he took me to Homecoming my senior year because I didn't get asked. I got to wear my absolute favorite dress because he took me. I remember we stopped talking and hanging out a couple months after we met and we started talking again just before he left on his mission. I loved getting letters while he was in Virginia and North Carolina. He sent me some huge seashells for my birthday and I loved them! It's so nice to have him home and to be able to hang out with him. He is so easy to talk to and even though we get in stupid little fights sometimes, we always work things out. Tons of stuff has happened within our groups of friends in the last little while, but i'm glad that me and Ty are still friends. And now, as of Saturday, I have a sushi buddy!

Ty. I want to thank you for the example that you are to me. Thanks for always making me feel better when i'm having a bad day, and thanks for all the fun times that we've had over the last year and a half. And p.s., i'm so excited for Lady A!

Also thanks to all my other friends! I wish I could go on about all of you, but that would take all day! I honestly appreciate every single friend I have and am so grateful for all the love and support you have given me over the years! Thank you!

                          Just remember...

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