A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have... <3

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Captured Moments..

This week I had to give a presentation in my public speaking class and my professor said to make sure that you choose something that you are passionate about.. As I thought about what I would do for my topic, of course there was one thing that immediately popped into my head:

Of course. Plain and simple. So as I was working on it, it got me thinking about why I love photography so much, and today as I was feeding my obsession (Pinterest, of course) I found this quote that I absolutely love...

That's what photography is. Capturing people. Capturing their personalities, their qualities, everything, at that one instant in time. The person they were when that picture was taken will be forever captured in that one simple picture. Many people see photography as just a way to make themselves look good. Go get your pictures done, they make you look good, and bing bang boom, you have some new profile picture for facebook or whatever. What people don't understand is that it's so much more than that. Pictures are a way that people express themselves..
I know I have a hard time expressing myself sometimes.. I can't put into words what i'm feeling or what's going through my head, but when I pick up my camera, my emotions just spill into my work. I can tell what mood i was in when I look back at the pictures i've done, I remember people exactly how people where when I took the picture opposed to how they are now. I can see huge changes in the people i've taken pictures of from how they were then to how they are now.  Photography just captures moments that in time, we wont be able to remember on our own. Photography remembers things long after we have forgotten them.

Photography is also a way to express the person you are photographing..

I feel like nowadays photographers are so set in their style so they mold the people they are shooting to fit their way of doing things. I think this is wrong. The pictures are theirs! Not the photographers. Technically, the photographer took them so they are their work, but they're for the people they are taking the pictures of. Photographers need to let their subjects personalities show. Not suppress them into their way of doing things. Do what THEY want, not what the photographer wants. If it wasn't for the subjects, there wouldn't be anybody to take pictures of in the first place. The photographer can help come up with ideas and help make things flow better, but the subjects need to have a say in how their pictures look and what they are doing in them.

Anyway, there's my venting on that subject...

I guess the point of my post today is to find something you are passionate about. I found what I love and it's the greatest thing ever.

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