A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have... <3

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


1. share the rules.

2. post a photo & 11 random facts about yourself.

11 facts about me-

1- My biggest passion in life is photography.
     2- I am going to college to become a history teacher. Preferably U.S.
  3- I am deathly afraid of heights, tight spaces, clowns, and sharks.
       4- I love people with accents: Southern, Australian, British, whatever.
 5- I snort when I laugh.
         6- I want to marry a cowboy.
    7- I love playing and watching softball/baseball.
8- I dream of going to Paris someday.
       9- I try to be happy at all times and love my life.
 10- I have a 3 page bucket list that I plan on finishing.

     11- I'm a big time clutz.

3. answer the questions asked of you.

1-top 5 people you're closest to. and why.
-My mom. I have always been a momma's girl and I love her so much. She is the best mom ever.
-My sister Brooke. Now that she got married, I love every time we do something together. 
-Jenny. She is my best friend.
-Tyler. He is my other best friend. 
-My Heavenly Father. I strive to have a very close and personal relationship with my father in heaven and I wouldn't have it any other way. He knows me better than anybody ever has or will.

2-biggest pet peeve. and why.
Oh no, when people say "i'm not laughing at you i'm laughing with you." well. I'm not laughing so let me know how that one works out for you point dexter.

3-which of the five senses you couldn't live without. and why.
My sight. Wanting to be a photographer, I heavily rely on my sight. I would go completely crazy if I couldn't take  pictures.

4-what you wish you could change about your current circumstance. and how you are going to change it.
I wish I wasn't hurting so badly for money. I have to pay for my car and i'll have to pay for tuition soon and i'm having a hard time coming up with the money, so I will work as much as I can this summer and continue to pay a full tithe.

5-favorite band. favorite artist. favorite song. and how each of them make you feel.
My favorite band would have to be Lady Antebellum. They are amazing and I just love how they sound together. My favorite artist is by far Keith Urban. He is fantastic! I know this may sound a little weird, but I get really excited when I listen to him. My favorite song is "Making Memories of Us" by Keith Urban. Of course. I couldn't listen to that song for a long time because of who it was linked to and it made me cry, but now when I listen to it I just feel extremely calm and I love it.

6-honest opinion of how you view yourself.
Honestly, there are quite a few things I would like to change about myself physically. Let's just say I don't exactly have the highest self esteem ever, but I have learned that I need to love myself the way I am and I can say that I accept myself more now than I used to.

7-one talent you wish you had. and why.
I wish I could sing and or play the piano. I never took piano lessons and I hear these people playing beautiful songs on the piano and I wish I could do that as well. I also wish I could sing cause i'm pretty sure I make dogs howl when I sing in my car.

8-dream future spouse characteristics.
He has to be able to make me laugh. He has to treat me with respect and not tear me down. He has to be a worthy priesthood holder that can take me to the temple. He has to be good with kids and he has to have a testimony of the church. Physical looks aren't important to me except that he has to be taller than me. But if I had my choice, he would have dark hair, tan skin, dark brown or blue eyes and he would be built. Not too muscular, just enough.

9-best compliment you've ever received.
That I am beautiful. It's something I never really believe when I look at myself so when someone tells you that it makes you feel good.

10-when you realized who you were. and what your purpose was.
Actually this just barely happened a couple of months ago when I received my patriarchal blessing. It's amazing what Heavenly Father's opinion of you can do for you. I now know why I am here and what I am supposed to do and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

11-list of 7 things you are most grateful for. and why.
1-My family. I would never be able to get by without them and I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for their examples in my life.
2-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It guides my every action in my life. I would be so lost without the knowledge and reassurance that it gives me
3-The amazing friends I have been blessed with. They are a huge reason I am the way I am now and I really wouldn't be able to get by without them.
4-My job. Even though I get really frustrated with it at times, I am so grateful to have  a steady job in an economy where so many people don't have that stability.
5-My home and everything that my parents provide me with so that I can live comfortably.
6-The chance I have to go to college to get a degree in something that I actually want to do when I graduate.
7-I'm grateful to be me.

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