A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have... <3

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What a weekend..!!

Brad Paisley! What a concert!
Well, this weekend was extremely fantastic! First of all, getting the surprise of a lifetime when I found out that me and Jenny were going to see Brad Paisley!! It was a fantastic night filled with Scotty McCreery (our love), The Band Perry (who are amazing), and of course, Mr. Brad Paisley. I may or may not have been so excited that I threw my phone, but that's okay. It really was such an amazing concert because they are all extremely talented people and it was definately one of the best nights ever! Then on saturday, hanging out with Jenny, Ty, and Rory was pretty much fantastic. Let's just say,
Boondock's gave us some great prizes and some very good laughs (a.k.a. the awkward boy that helped us get our prizes.. Jenny you'll get that) :] We found out we like to wear our sunglasses at night and some very talented dancers performed for us ;] haha, but nothing that happened this weekend beats getting my patriarchal blessing. It really was the most amazing experience I have ever had in my life and I have never felt so blissfully happy as I did in those moments that I was recieving my blessing. I am so incredibly grateful to be a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I do have an extremely powerful testimony of its truth. I hope to live my life in a way that I will always be worthy to recieve the blessings promised to me in my blessing and I hope to fufill all of the things mentioned in it. What a weekend.. <3

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Beginnings..

Well, 2012 is finally here, and already it's proving to be a year of good changes. I'm just starting my second semester at Weber and i'm going to be sure to focus on my school work this semester (unlike last semester...woops!) I'm preparing to get my patriarchal blessing in 2 weeks which I am unbelievably excited for! But the biggest thing that has happened this year so far is I FINALLY got my own car! It's a 2011 Ford Fiesta and I am in LOVE with it! After much debate, I have chosen a name for him (and yes, he is a boy). His name is Flynn (named after Flynn Rider from the best move, Tangled, of course). I can't believe the freedom that comes with having my own car, but also the stress that comes with having to pay insurance, car payments, gas, etc... But, I love it anyway. With just finishing my photography portfolio, i'm hoping that things will start to take off and that I will get more offers to do pictures (*fingers crossed*). But that's just about all that's new these days with my boring life and all.. But it's the life I love :]

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Living... Out Loud?

Well, seeing as this is my first post in this whole blogging thing, I decided that I should probably explain why my blog is named what it is. For those of you who know me, you probably have different opinions on who I am. If you dont know me very well, you may think i'm quiet and shy (maybe, depending on who you are), but for those of you who know me better than most know that i'm completely insane, and i'm perfectly fine with that. I think that if you're not being weird, you're not having fun. But that's just me. Call me crazy, cause I am, but I think that life's too short to be normal. I know I dont want to be "normal" (nothing against anyone who does want to be normal, I swear). I want to stand out, I want people to remember me and I want to have an impact on people's lives! Forget normal! You have to be unique, you have to define yourself! That's why I titled my blog "Living Out Loud", because that's what i'm doing. No more being quiet like I was a lot of the time in high school because I didn't know people or I wasn't "popular", it's time to speak my mind and live the way I want to. I want to live everyday so that if I had to live the same day over and over again, it would be a good thing! So i'm living out loud! <3