A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have... <3

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Big Changes..

This week has been a week of big changes... But through these changes, I have learned some very valuable lessons..

On Wednesday, my best friend left for Utah State...

You never think it'll be that hard to say goodbye to your best friend when they'll only be an hour away. I kept saying to myself, "it wont be that much different. I'll be fine." I was wrong. Saying goodbye was so incredibly hard. It's hard to believe that my best friend, the one I have spent the last year and a half with, isn't here anymore. I can't just drive over to her house and tell her what happened that day. No more just sitting around talking. No more random laughing attacks. Now we're an hour away from each other. Yeah, we can still call and face time, but it's just not the same. Sometimes you just need your best friend. But with Jenny leaving, I have learned some things about true friends.

1- A true friend will accept you for who you are no matter what. And they will love you no matter what.

2- A true friend won't want to change you. Jenny told me, "I like you for who you are, so you better not ever change." That's exactly how friendship should be. Total acceptance for every part of them.

3- "True friendship isn't about being inseparable. It's about being separated and nothing changes." If someone is a true friend, they will make an effort to be in your life, no matter how far apart you are.

I am so grateful for my best friend. And even though we aren't going to see each other nearly as much, I know i'll always have my best friend just a phone call away whenever I need her. Thanks for the memories Ginger! I can't wait for all the memories we still have to make! Thanks for being my best friend. I love you Ginger.

The second thing i've learned this week is not all guys are the same...

Since Jenny left this week, I have spent more time with Zach, and I know now that even though i've have been treated really badly by guys in the past, not all of them are like that. Not all of them will treat you the same. There are some amazing guys out there. I know that no matter who you are, there is someone out there that will be able to see past all of your flaws and imperfections and still like you for who you are. They will be able to see all the good in you that you can't see yourself. I know I have always pointed out all of my imperfections and I felt like that's all other people could see, but Zach looks past those and see's who I really am. And I am so grateful to him for that and for bringing out the best in me.

The last thing I've learned this week is that family is the most important thing in the world...

Today was my cousin Jared's mission farewell...

Growing up, Jared lived 7 hours away in Vegas and I didn't get to see him very much. So when he moved to Utah just before our sophomore year, I really learned to appreciate him. We got really close in high school. At least I felt like we were. With him dating my best friend, I was with him multiple times a week, and i'd see him every day in school. I'd go to all of his wrestling matches and baseball games. Jared has seen me go through pretty much everything. He has seen me at my highest when I dated his best friend, and he's seen me at my lowest when that same guy broke my heart. I've also seen him go through his good and bad times. We got baptized together when we were 8. He was there all through high school and I always considered him as my best friend. Senior year, we started to drift apart, and since we graduated, we've grown apart even more. But I don't love him any less. I really wish I could see him more than I do. I miss that closeness with my cousin. Even though we aren't as close anymore, it doesn't make sending him off on his mission any easier. I can't believe I have to go 2 years without seeing him. No more seeing him every Tuesday for softball. Not having him around to pick on me. Just not having him here. Jared has changed my life. He has taught me things through his example and I am so grateful for that. The people of Chihuahua, Mexico are so lucky to have such an amazing missionary coming to their area. Thanks for everything Jared. Good luck! I love you.

So I guess this week, through all of these things, the biggest thing I have learned is to fine people that love you for you and keep them close. Don't take the ones you love for granted. Because you never know when something could come along and separate you. Whether it's for a few weeks or a few years.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

What is happiness?

I've been thinking a lot about happiness today.

What is happiness?

To some people, happiness is a new pair of shoes or a new outfit. Others it's being successful in a career they love. Happiness seems to spread across such a broad range that I think many of us sometimes struggle in finding true happiness. I feel like in our world today, there are so many things that make us unhappy that it's sometimes hard to be completely happy. We lose people in our lives, we fail, sometimes we get made fun of or excluded, we get knocked down. How can you be happy when things like that happen?

One of my favorite quotes is:

I think the reason so many people are so unhappy is because they think that before they can be happy, everything has to be perfect. It's like our brains are programed to think "When I have the best of everything and everything goes perfect, then i'll be happy." This is wrong! Nothing is ever going to be perfect. It's a fact of life. We need to find happiness in every day. In the little things.

In high school, I had a hard time with this. I always felt like happiness came from things around me. Friends, boys, clothes, things like that. I felt like if things didn't go exactly right, then I couldn't be happy and i'd be so upset about it. If things weren't perfect, I wasn't completely happy. In my life, I've come to find that happiness is something you get form yourself. Everything else just enhances that happiness that you have already.

I can honestly say I am truly happy with my life. I have learned to accept myself exactly the way I am. And to be completely honest, I'm happy with who I am. I don't have everything I want.  But I have what I need and i'm perfectly happy with that. There's things about my life that I would like to be different, but you have to accept those things. I have an amazing family, I have found incredible friends who accept me and love me for who I am, i've found things in my life that i'm truly passionate about. Yes, things go wrong. Things don't always work out like I want and I don't always get what I want. But you can't let the setbacks hinder your happiness.

Happiness is a choice. Why not choose to be happy?