A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have... <3

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Happily Ever After..

Well, since it's been about a thousand years since I last updated my blog, I guess i'll post about something that's been on my mind today..

I just finished watching probably the greatest movie EVER created (Tangled, of course), and like all Disney movies, it ends with the line...

Today when I got home from church, I got into my desk drawer and pulled out my book Your Happily Ever After by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. It is an amazing book! It is directed towards the Young Women in the church. It is amazing! Since I read that, the idea of happily ever after has been on my mind. How many of us dream of a happily ever after? Pretty much everybody. Especially if your a sucker for Disney movies (guilty..). I think it's every girls dream to live happily ever after with a knight in shining armor just like in the movies. I know that's my dream, except without the shinning armor part. A nice guy in old blue jeans will do just fine for me. But in President Uchtdorf's book, he says, "Heavenly Father offers to you the greatest gift of all-eternal life-and the opportunity and infinite blessing of your own 'happily ever after.'" Now, if you're anything like me, those words offer so much comfort. I have always been worried about not getting married and all that, especially since I graduated and have seen so many people from my graduating class, including one of my best friends, get married. I went through a time when I thought to myself...

"Why don't I have someone like that? What's wrong with me?"

Absolutely nothing is wrong with me. It's just not my time and I know that now. I have to wait for the right guy to come around. Maybe I already know him and I just don't know it yet. Who knows? President Uchtdorf refers to the stories of Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and  Rumpelstiltskin when he says that, "In each of these stories, Cinderella, Belle, and the miller's daughter have to experience sadness and trials before they can reach their 'happily ever after.'"

You have to meet people in order to find out what you like and don't like. What qualities you like in someone and which qualities you'd rather steer away from. Most of us experience heartbreak before we find the one we're going to be with. That's part of life. We're supposed to get hurt, because it teaches us lessons. It's there for our benefit, even though at the time it seems so hard. I know that I've had my share of heartbreak and I've gone through things that have brought me that much closer to my happily ever after. In this book, President Uchtdorf describes how he loved a girl since the moment he met her, but she wasn't interested in him. After years and years of pursuing her, she finally became interested in him and they were married shortly after.

That's another thing you have to remember when pursuing your happily ever after. If you truly care about someone, you can't just give up. Persistence is key. Yes, here is another reference to Pinterest, but I found this quote on there and I think it is so true...

"If you love someone, tell them. Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous. What is truly ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in them."

How true that is. But I feel like in today's society, people are too afraid to tell people how they feel. They don't pursue people that they truly care about because they feel like they aren't good enough or may be rejected or hurt. Things have become so casual now that people just 'hang out' and never go on dates anymore. Yeah, hanging out isn't bad or anything, but to get to know people on a more personal level, dates are perfect! If you are interested in someone, you need to go on dates with them and let them know that you are interested in them. That's my opinion at least.

My favorite thing that President Uchtdorf says in his book is..

 "Your own wondrous story has already begun. Your once upon a time is now."

So, live for today. Look for the one that you can live happily ever after with. It is something that all of us can have. I know that if I truly care about someone, I am going to do everything I can to see him and be with him and I will make an effort to talk to him and spend time with him. I won't give up. Happily ever after isn't just for fairytales. I challenge all of you to make your own happily ever after, and if you find someone you truly love, don't let them go.

Just remember..